Friday, June 19, 2009

Paths to QUALITY

It's an exciting time to be a child care provider in Indiana. Why, you ask? Because of the statewide Paths to QUALITY program. In case you are not aware, Paths to QUALITY is the quality rating system with four levels. The system is designed to help programs and providers take the necessary steps to achieve higher levels of quality, help parents make informed child care choices, and overall support the well-being and success of Indiana children. The system recognizes and rewards programs and providers for their commitment to quality.

Currently, there are 200 licensed child care centers and homes enrolled onto Paths to QUALITY in the Hamilton, Hendricks, Johnson, and Marion County areas with 30 of those being rated at a Level 2, 3, or 4. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the programs and providers on Paths to QUALITY and say thank you for your commitment to quality child care.

1 comment:

BethH said...

Hi Crystal! Thanks so much for sending Gaye and Marissa to our group meeting last night. They are WONDERFUL and if I was going to be in daycare longer, I would definately be checking out PTQ. It sounds like a magnificant program!