A Community Needs Assessment:
The Indiana Commission for Women will be conducting a comprehensive research project titled Mothers in Transition. This research project is a state-wide community needs assessment focusing on women living the transition into single-motherhood whether that is by divorce, domestic violence, separation, or any other circumstance. Participants will be interviewed or participate in focus groups with the aim of discussing the lived experiences of single-motherhood in three areas: 1) Economic Development; 2) Physical Health; and 3) Psychological Wellness. Research findings are scheduled to be released August 2011. All information collected and will be kept strictly anonymous. The identities of participants will be protected under a confidentiality agreement.
Participant Requirements
I am seeking participants who meet all the following criteria:
• Women transitioning into single-motherhood from divorce, separation, death of spouse, pregnancy, or any other circumstance
• Within 18-70 years of age
• Within 10 years of the event of transition
• Custodial parent or primary caregiver of at least one child under the age of 18
Our mission at the Indiana Commission for Women is to understand the needs of Indiana women and their families and work strategically to help bring about positive solutions. The results of this project with elucidate those needs, help inform policy, and open a productive dialogue to address the relevant concerns and challenges. Only from knowing what is needed can steps be taken toward progress.
If you would like to be a voice in this research and meet all the aforementioned criteria, I invite you to join the conversation. I am looking for women of diverse cultural, social, economic, and regional backgrounds to provide their stories. Interviews and focus groups will be scheduled in the months of November 2010 – March 2011. If you would like to participate or would like more information, please contact the principal investigator via email at STran@dwd.in.gov or call (317) 234-3376. I appreciate your interest in this project and hope that you can somehow contribute.
Stella Tran Research Coordinator VISTA
Website: www.in.gov/icw · Email: STran@dwd.in.gov · Direct Line: 317.234.3376
Government Center South · 402 West Washington St. Room W252, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204