Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Children can build from floor to ceiling in this LEGO-covered room

How cool is this! This could be adapted for child care settings. You could do half walls all around the room, or just in one area. This is a great way for children to save their LEGO projects.

Play is the building block of childhood learning, and this romper room, collaboratively designed by Lena Seow, Vrinda Khanna and Suzan Wines of I-Beam Designs. LEGO boards cover a wall of the room, from floor to ceiling. "Children can build with or against gravity," says Wines, adding that the child's ability to impact the basic architecture of the play area by building on the walls is a large part of the appeal. Everything the child build becomes an integral part of the play-space architecture until a new construction is made.

For older children who might not enjoy primary-colored LEGOS walls but still want this wall, spay paint the LEGO and the wall to the desired colors.

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