Thursday, May 26, 2011

Inlement Weather

Some information from one of the licensing consultants to remind everyone of the Bureau of Child Care’s policies regarding loss of electricity and home and fence repair.

Public Water Source & Sewage

If a facility losses electricity, as long as their water and sewage are working properly, they can stay in the building until parents arrive to pick up children. Parents should be notified right away so that they can make a decision on whether to leave the children or come and get them. The facility cannot do food clean up without hot water and must use disposable dishes and utensils. If power is not back on by the next day, the facility cannot reopen.

Private Water Source & Sewage
If the facility is on a well and a public water source, the facility must contact parents within 2 hours to pick up their children. If power is not back on by the next day, the facility cannot reopen.

If you lose power overnight and power is not restored by morning, you cannot open.

If your home has structural damage, please contact your licensing consultant. If your home has structural damage, you cannot open until it is repaired and they may need to come out and approve it before it reopens. Structural damage would include a tree falling on the house.

Do not allow the children to play in a play yard if it contains hazards. If a tree falls across your fence, please remove the tree and repair the fence. Repair the fence safely and quickly. The excuse that you’re waiting for the insurance company to come out is not acceptable.

If you have any questions please contact your licensing consultant.

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