Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Back to School

Getting Ready for Back to School
Send them to school with a smile !
By Kit Bennett

It's not just our children that feel the stress of a new school year approaching, but the entire household. Kid's concerns may be focused around new friends, riding the bus or if the new teacher will be as nice as last year's. Parents dread the onset of morning mayhem, carpool schedules, PTA meetings and homework help.?
The "lazy days" of summer are coming to an end. However, with a few activities, planning and preparation, the entire family can approach the school year stress free and smiling!

A few days before school begins. Wrap up summer vacation with a
family night. Fire up the barbeque, dive into a watermelon and have
a water balloon fight.?When you are all dry and the dishes are done...
sit down for a summer memory time. Gather vacation photos, postcards, maps...any item that strikes your fancy.? It may be a piece of driftwood saved from the beach trip, or a rock from the family hike.

Terri Michaels from Maryland came up with an easy scrap book solution.
She didn't have the "time or patience to create a wonderfully decorated book"....instead her family spruces up a box for each vacation or family trip. Using contact paper, glue stickers, crayons etc. Everyone participates providing the perfect time to reflect on the events of the summer.?

Try to get your school shopping done a week beforehand, saving that last day for relaxing. Younger students will need?all of their supplies labeled. Don't wait for the last minute,?label them as you make the purchases.?

Many schools allow you to visit the classroom on the day of registration. It's a perfect time to select a desk, drop off supplies and meet the new teacher.?

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