Friday, February 6, 2009

Fun Art Activities to do with Children

Here are some really great Art Activites for you to try with the children in your life.
  • Crayons with salt water wash: Draw with crayons on dark construction paper. Then paint the entire picture with a mixture of lots of salt and water. When the water dries, the picture will sparkle.
  • Crayon Rubbing: Put light paper or newsprint on top of what you want to rub (paper clips, leaves, coins, tagboard stencils, rick-rack, etc.). Keep everything still. Color hard with the side of the crayon.
  • Crayon Shaving: Make crayon shavings by peeling off the jackets of various colored crayons and inserting them in a pencil sharpener. Then spread glue over a sheet of paper, or moisten the sticky side of a length of paper tape and press the crayon shavings into an interesting design or picture on the paper.
  • Crayon Reverse: Children cover all of the white paper with a heavy layer of colored chalk. With a black crayon color heavily over the chalk. Put a second piece of white paper on top of the colored paper. Draw a design or picture with pencil, pressing hard. Separate the drawings and there will be a positive and a reverse.
  • Newspaper Painting: Use sheets of used newspapers instead of ordinary paper. Wash background colors of paint over the paper so the printing shows through the paint. Then paint designs or pictures over the wash so that they will have a transparent effect and the printing will show through the paint.
  • Hide and Seek Painting: Tie a blindfold over children's eyes. Allow the child to feel the brushes, paper and area before starting. Child then paints without seeing what he is doing.
  • Baby Oil Drawing: Use any color bond paper, cotton balls/cotton swabs, paintbrush, baby oil in small dish, newspaper on table. Dip the cotton ball into baby oil and draw on the paper with it. Dip the cotton swab or paintbrush in it and draw some more. After it soaks in, have the children lift their pictures up to the light to see their works of art.

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