Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What's Your Story?

We are working on a report that will help illustrate the reality parents face in finding child care and making child care work while juggling a job.  Policymakers need to understand the challenges parents face every day as they seek to ensure they have child care for their children so that they can work.
The type of stories we are looking for are basic! Did you have trouble finding child care in your community? Do you have more than one child and had to find two different child care settings given either the ages of the children or the limitations of the setting?  Does your child participate in a part-day program that leaves you scrambling to arrange child care before and after the part-day program? Have you had extra challenges finding care in the summer? Were you happy immediately with the care that you found or did you have to look at many places and then hope for the best? Is affording child care a challenge you face?
If you find that your story meets any of the above questions, we would love to hear from you! We are looking for a paragraph that describes an overview of your challenge so just a brief description is all that we need (not a theme paper)!  We want to make this as easy as possible for you.  Please share your story through the following web form:
http://www.naccrra.org/parents/ccapn-2/tell-us-your-story by Thursday, October 18.  Thanks for your help on this project!  We appreciate it!

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