Monday, March 19, 2012

Easy Ways to Teach Numbers, Counting & Math

I put some glitter paint into zip lock bags for the children to practice writing their numbers. When teaching numbers I find children respond really well if they are able to touch and feel numbers and make numbers in different textures.

Though preschoolers generally don’t recognise it, maths is another way to understand and make sense of the world, much like language. Like words, maths is used everywhere and is an integral part of everyday life. What exactly is maths? Simply put, maths is the observation, identification, description and explanation of numbers, space, relation, and order. Counting, measuring, problem solving, reasoning, and identifying shapes and patterns are the activities of math. Preschoolers, who have opportunities to learn maths through play and everyday interactions are gaining the foundation for maths development.

Here are few additional ideas on everyday math and couting....

Count everything
As you go up steps, eat strawberries, pick flowers, put up Lego's, you name it.

Count to 60 while brushing their teeth
take turns brushing teeth and I count out loud to 60 for each of our turns. It's an easy way for children to understand the concept of one minute.

Cook TogetherInclude your child when you cook.
Have children count the cups of milk, the tablespoons of margarine, or the eggs when you cook. Show kids the recipe as you cook so they can follow along.

Play Hopscotch
Use chalk and draw a hopscotch game outside. Make sure to say the numbers out loud as you play.

Play an "I spy" gameTake turns playing "I spy"
Look around your room and say, "I spy something we have two of (or three of)..." It could be speakers for your stereo, cushions on the couch or pictures on the wall, or anything you can count.

Some of my favourite books to use when I'm teaching about numbers and counting are:
"Hungry Monsters" Teach Counting in Rhyme by Susan Heyboer O’Keefe and illustrated by Lynn Munsinger.
" Ten With Ten Little Ladybugs" written by Melanie Gerth and illustrated by Laura Huliska-Beith
"Miss Spider’s Tea Party" Teaches Counting With a Social Lesson written and illustrated by David Kirk.
"The Very Hungry Caterpillar"
by Eric Carle
"The Shopping Basket" by John Burningham

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